perjantai 29. maaliskuuta 2013

Part two of the tutorial set Modeling a Lumia 920 with Rhino is out:

Part two of the tutorial set Modeling a Lumia 920 with Rhino is out:

Hope you like it, remember to comment, like and subscribe if you do like. Thanks!

IF you WANT to pay something from the tutorials you can use Paypal and this link:

or just send it to account.

Heres some awesome video from the Activision about the future of games and movies:

Copyright Activision

perjantai 22. maaliskuuta 2013

First video online at Youtube! Lumia 920 / 980

So the first video tutorial is now at Youtube! Hope you like it and subscribe to my channel and comment. Also I will take your wishes about what tutorials would you like to see. This first one is more advanced tutorial so I might make beginner level tutorials if you want.

But to the important part, here are the reference pictures for the tutorial:

Tutorial can be found here:

IF you WANT to pay something from the tutorials you can use Paypal and this link:

or just send it to account.

keskiviikko 20. maaliskuuta 2013

Welcome to learn 3D and visualization

Hi everyone! Going to start making 3D-tutorials to learn more about modeling and help others at the same time. There is going to be more advantage videos and some simple tutorials, like making a handle for door. First big tutorial will be modeling a Nokia Lumia 920 and later showing how to make a nice rendering from it.

So in the future I hope this blog and my Youtube site will help others, I had difficulties finding good, free and most important INTERESTING tutorials about Rhinoceros 3D. I will also post files to help with the tutorials, like reference pictures for start the modeling.

-Roope Kolu

Sneak preview test render(not full quality):